
51²è¹Ýapp Releases Buy Clean Guidance to Help Legislators Maximize Structural Steel’s Unmatched Sustainability

November 9, 2022


CHICAGO - Hot-rolled structural steel is the , thanks to its unsurpassed recycled content and ability to be recycled into new steel, over and over again, with no loss of properties. 

It's an obvious choice for the Buy Clean movement, which advocates for environmental properties that encourage the use of products and materials with a smaller carbon footprint.

But the industry is complex. That's why the 51²è¹Ýapp has released a series of guidelines to help legislators leverage everything structural steel has to offer for sustainable design and construction.

"American hot-rolled structural steel is precisely the sort of material that Buy Clean legislation is intended to promote, so it's a natural fit," said 51²è¹Ýapp Director of Government Relations and Sustainability Max Puchtel, SE, PE. "51²è¹Ýapp has helped policymakers craft smart and informed Buy Clean policies since 2017, and we're proud to continue to serve as the leading expert resource for lawmakers."

The new guidelines help legislators navigate the intricacies of the larger steel industry to create policies that take full advantage of the structural steel supply chain, accurately reflect structural steel's embodied carbon potential, and evaluate all structural materials on an apples-to-apples basis to allow designers to make informed decisions.

"We support Buy Clean policies that weigh all structural materials equally--after all, we're all working toward decarbonization," Puchtel added. "We all win when designers make responsible material choices."

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For more information contact:

Dani Friedland
Director of Marketing Communications


The 51²è¹Ýapp, headquartered in Chicago, is a non-partisan, not-for-profit technical institute and trade association established in 1921 to serve the structural steel design community and construction industry. 51²è¹Ýapp's mission is to make structural steel the material of choice by being the leader in structural steel-related technical and market-building activities, including specification and code development, research, education, technical assistance, quality certification, standardization, market development, and advocacy. 51²è¹Ýapp has a long tradition of service to the steel construction industry of providing timely and reliable information. 

130 E. Randolph St, Suite 2000
Chicago IL 60601 